When Should You Book With a Professional Tarot Reader, If You Have Your Own Deck?

There’s nothing wrong with reading for yourself, or asking a friend who has a deck or two to pull a couple of cards for you when you’re at an impasse. In an era when everyone and their cat seems to have a deck, or five, lying around, it might seem like paying for a reading is a waste of time and money. Why make the investment when you, or a friend, can read your own deck(s) for free?

As with anything, there’s a time and place for Do-It-Yourself versus asking for some professional help. You may be able to sew on a button or paint a wall easy enough, but knitting an entire sweater or remodelling your kitchen might require you to outsource to some people who can get you what you need effectively, efficiently, and will do it right the first time. Tarot is no different.

And if you’re still not sure how to tell when you’ve hit your limits with the cards, this list below will lay out some key signs that it’s time to book a professional reader.

You aren't getting an intuitive message

If you (or the friend you've asked to pull some cards for you) aren't getting a clear message or interpretation, it may be a sign to take a break and come back later. It could also be a sign that you need some additional support.

There may be certain situations where readings come out loud and clear for you, compared to other topics where you can't even figure out what your favourite cards are trying to tell you. In that circumstance, it's probably time to book a session with a professional reader who can get you some answers.

The guidebook isn't providing any helpful insights

If, even after reading the guidebook and consulting the internet, you're left with more questions than answers about how the cards you've pulled could ever relate to the question or topic you've presented, it's time to book a session with a professional reader. Assuming you've consulted the cards because you're looking for guidance, the next step to DIY is getting some outside help when you're stuck!

You're afraid you're too close to the topic to give yourself an honest reading

You may be getting a message from the cards, or have a clear interpretation, but you have a sneaking suspicion that your proximity to the topic is skewing your reading.

Maybe your interpretation is doing nothing but confirming your own position, or amplifying the anxious and doubtful thoughts that you were looking to clarify in the first place, no matter what decks you use or how many times your reshuffle.

If you feel like you're too close to the topic, the only real solution is to get a reading from someone who has no ties to the situation at hand. Similar to *the book isn't resonating* point, you may get stellar self-readings most of the time but that doesn't mean you wont run into topics that require an outside reader, and that's okay!

Something's telling you that you still need an additional perspective

I'm always team Trust Your Gut, but your gut also just knows when you might need a little more help.

Maybe you've gotten a clear message, supported by tangible resources like the guidebook, and you don't think your proximity to your focus topic is skewing your interpretation. Okay, awesome, now it seems clear that the next step is to take your reading and work with it!

And yet, you feel like something is off. There's a nagging inkling somewhere inside that you'd like to get a second perspective on the conclusions you've come to. Listen to that voice, tarot is an intuitive model, and your intuition is asking you to get a comparative interpretation. That means it's time to book a reading.

Have You Figured You Might Need an Outside Perspective?

Then Book a Reading! Whatever topic you're exploring, or question you have, I'd be honoured to support you through receiving clear answers and messages from the cards.


Building Boundaries of Enjoyment: Creative Practice